Tax Alert: Tax Extender Lobbying Efforts

First Advantage is always working for the continuation of the legislation that creates the valuable tax credit programs our clients use. Currently, Congress is working on a spending bill to fund the government through September, and action must be taken by February 15th to avoid another government shutdown.

Because there is consideration on the Hill of including extenders for expired tax credit programs (i.e., Indian Employment Credit and Federal Empowerment Zones), and employee retention disaster tax credits for employers impacted by 2018 hurricanes, wildfires, and mudslides, in the potential spending bill, we are urging our clients to consider reaching out to their Congressional leaders to encourage them to do so.

Reaching out to Senate and/or House leadership as soon as possible, and urging them to include the extenders in the spending bill, may help secure continuation of these valuable programs. To assist, we have included the example language in bold below, and the Action Center on allows you to directly message your representative with the prepopulated message based on your zip code. If you have any questions on the shutdown, our lobbying efforts, or tax credit programs generally, please contact your First Advantage Tax Account Manager or your legal counsel.

Example Language:

As an employer in your state who utilizes the tax extenders, I want to urge you to include an extension of these critical provisions and a disaster tax relief package on the must pass February 15th government funding bill.  Communities affected by natural disasters last fall are badly in need of assistance and employers that relied on Congress extending expired tax provisions face a tax increase if they are not extended by the 2018 tax filing deadline.

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