Keeping Campuses Safe: Top Tips for Students and Administrators

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 20-25% of college women and 15% of college men are victims of sexual assault during their time in college. It’s also important to note that more than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report the assault. These incidents of crime, both reported and unreported, continue to occur at schools across the country and colleges are held responsible for creating the safest environment possible for students and staff.

Students heading off to college should begin their journey with a complete understanding of what crime on campus is, the various types of criminal activity, and how they can be better prepared to stay safe both on and off campus. This helpful guide provides students and parents with the statistics, guidance, and resources they need to learn more about awareness, safety on campus, sexual assault, and emergency responses. On-campus resources include campus safety websites, campus police and security, safe ride services, counseling programs, and sexual assault and relationship violence services.

University administrations can take concrete steps to ensure those who learn, teach, and work on their campuses have passed a due diligence process. This process helps to establish that the school’s students and reputation are protected from security and business liabilities. Using a resident screening or employment screening provider may be a key factor in helping to limit risk.  At First Advantage, a client can have a criminal history search be a part of the screening process that may include comprehensive criminal searches of over 276+ million criminal records from all 50 states, representing more than 110 million individuals, including a nationwide sex offender registry. Keep students and staff safe on campus through background screening.

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