
DOT Federal Transit Administration Website’s COVID-19 Resource Page Refers to Emergency Relief Docket Q&A Concerning Drug and Alcohol Testing

The DOT Federal Transit Administration website’s COVID-19 resource page refers to Emergency Relief Docket Q&A Concerning Drug and Alcohol Testing. To review this Q&A go to: https://www.transit.dot.gov/coronavirus

On that page, click on the Frequently Asked Questions:


Then go to the following question: Has FTA waived any federal requirements?

Click on Emergency Relief Docket, view all documents in the docket, and then enter “drug testing” in the search box.

The following information concerning drug and alcohol requirements will appear.

The FTA is follows and references the ODAPC issued guidance on COVID-19. However, following is the text of the Q&A Concerning Drug and Alcohol Testing posted within the Emergency Relief Docket as additional context:

Thank you for your question related to waiver of drug and alcohol requirements.

The Department of Transportation’s Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance (ODAPC) issued guidance on March 23, 2020:
https://www.transportation.gov/odapc/compliance-with-dot-drug-and-alcohol-testing-regulations .


Drug and Alcohol Program

Q: What happens if my agency is unable to conduct DOT drug or alcohol testing due to COVID-19 supply shortages and facility closures?
A: If you are unable to conduct DOT drug or alcohol training or testing due to COVID-19-related supply shortages, facility closures, State or locally imposed quarantine requirements, or other obstacles, you are to continue to comply with existing applicable DOT Agency requirements to document why a test was not completed. If training or testing can be
conducted later, you are to do so in accordance with applicable modal regulations. Links to the FTA regulations can be found at the DOT website at www.transportation.gov/odapc/agencies. Information on the Department-wide Guidance
and coronavirus response can be found at –https://www.transportation.gov/coronavirus.
(Cleared and posted on March 23, 2020)

This applies to all modes, including FTA. Please visit the ODAPC website for additional questions and answers.

Thank you.

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